
Apple Rosemary Grilled Cheese

Did you know that it's National Grilled Cheese Month? Me neither, until I read it on What's Katie Baking. I have her to thank for reminding me to post this recipe before it gets passed over yet again by some strawberry recipe that I'm excited to share. Right now, there's not much that competes with strawberries in my mind, but this sandwich really deserves to be shared. It is such an easy recipe, but tastes so gourmet. It takes grilled cheese from something you make when there's nothing else in the house to something you look forward to. The apple butter and sharp cheddar cheese taste wonderful together, and I love the flavor that rosemary adds. It's in my top ten favorite sandwiches. 

Apple Rosemary Grilled Cheese


2 slices of bread
1 tsp butter
1 T apple butter
Scant 1/4 tsp dried rosemary leaves
1 ounce extra-sharp white cheddar cheese (Cabot is my favorite)

Spread butter over one side of each piece of bread. On the other side of one slice, spread the apple butter, then sprinkle with rosemary. Top with cheese and then the second slice of bread, buttered side out. Cook in a large skillet over medium heat for 1-2 minutes on each side or until both sides are golden brown. Serve immediately. 

Recipe Source: adapted from The Professional Palate

Versatile Blogger Award 

I also have Katie to thank for giving our blog the Versatile Blogger Award last week. I've been busy cooking with my mom until today, so I haven't had a chance to accept it formally. Anyway, I'm so flattered that she would think of our little blog. Thank you, Katie! The rules of the award stipulate that you share seven random facts about yourself and pass the award on to 15 new found bloggers. Since I share this blog with my good friend Trisha, I thought I'd share some random facts about both of us. 

1. Trisha and I both love baseball. We have different teams, though. She loves the Yankees because she lived in New York when she was younger. I love the Red Sox, because I grew up in Vermont. Yes, we're still friends.

2. We both got married in the same place, had our hair done by the same person for our wedding and bought our wedding cakes from the same bakery. (We both got almond with raspberry filling, even.) Why mess with a good thing? (Especially when the hairdresser is my awesomely talented sister.) 

3. We are both older than our husbands. I think it's the way to go. (Except the whole putting your husband through school part.)

4. Trisha is double jointed. It's hilarious when she uses it to freak out people that don't know.

5. I play the piano and organ. Trisha plays the violin and piano.

6. We were both Barker's Beauties in a "The Price Is Right" activity at church. No, it wasn't assigned to us. We volunteered. Yes, we're both super cheesy and we love it. 

7. We both went to college in Utah. I went to Brigham Young University, and Trisha went to Southern Utah University. 

I am supposed to pass this on to 15 other new found bloggers, which is tough because I read many great blogs and it is hard to narrow it down to 15. I left out Grain Crazy and Jenna Laughs because I've already shared my love for those blogs in past posts. Here are 15 blogs that I have found recently that I enjoy reading:

Ladies, I love your blogs. Keep up the good work. Feel free to accept the award and pass it on, just accept it, or just pass on it. Just make sure you keep posting your great recipes. 

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